Document Retention

Small Law Firms

How Technology Illiteracy Can Cost Solos Big Money

Solo practitioner Barbara Katsos may have believed she was saving money when back in 2009, she relied on AOL as an email server, used Microsoft Word to organize clients’ electronic files, hired a computer “expert” of unknown credentials recommended by a non-lawyer friend and printed out hard copies of important emails and documents. Unfortunately, 8 […]


Howrey’s Old Client Files Are Neither Gone Nor Forgotten

The Howrey estate is embroiled in the painstaking process of destroying old files or returning them to former clients. There is still a long, long way to go. In today's Washington Post, we get to see a vivid illustration of the problems involved in putting to rest a massive law firm that bridged the paper and electronic eras. It is also a good cautionary tale for other firms: these documents will not just go away, even if your firm bites the dust…